This project aims to better understand the movement patterns and forces that dancers undergo during dance performance to inform injury prevention and teaching practices.
Dr Alycia Fong Yan, Dr Claire Hiller.
Exercise, Health and Performance Research Group
Dancers push their bodies to the physical limits of motion whilst maintaining the aesthetic requirements of the dance genre. The extreme technical requirements can take a toll on the body with many dancers, both professional and recreational, either injured or at risk of injury. Dancers only have a short professional career and the competition for performance roles and jobs is high. The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanism for injuries, risk factors for injury, and movement variability.
Experiments designed for this project would be carried out in the world class Biomechanics Laboratory of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Quality human movement data is achieve through the use of a high resolution, 14 camera motion capture system that is synchronized with five force platforms, 16 channel electromyography and numerous custom-built sensors for special purposes.
The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 1978