Structure, Function, Gene Therapy and Surgery in Retinal Dystrophies
Associate Professor Matthew Simunovic.
Camperdown - Central Clinical School - Save Sight Institute
Hereditary diseases of the retina affect up to 1 in 3,000 individuals and are now the commonest cause of blindness registration in persons of working age. This project is aimed at:
1. Assessing the effects of hereditary retinal diseases on vision and retinal structure in patients with known genotypes.
2. Modelling different modes of surgical delivery of therapeutic substances into the sub-retinal space.
3. Assessing expression of viral vectors in human retinal explants.
4. Developing novel optogenetic approaches to vision restoration in pre-clinical (including human retinal explant) and clinical models.This is a multi-facetted project with clinical and bench-side components. Accordingly, it could be tailored to the interests and background of prospective applicants.
The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 2266