A Digital World Soil Properties Map consortium is formed (www.globalsoilmap.net). The objective of this consortium is to create a digital map of the world’s soil properties. At present, there is no comprehensive digital soil map of the world. This lack of easy-to-use information results in adverse policies on land use at the district, national, and continent levels in many developing and indeed developed countries that affect food production for the poor, and cause unnecessary land degradation and increased greenhouse gas emissions. The University of Sydney is the training centre for the Oceania node. Potential students from Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Timor Leste, PNG, New Zealand, and the Pacific Island Nations are welcome to apply.
Sydney Institute of Agriculture
Traditional soil mapping has been difficult and time-consuming as soils vary greatly in space and time. In addition, much soil information is lost because they are mapped in polygons reflecting soil types or classes. Within the last decade, there has been considerable progress in earth observation techniques and prediction of soil properties from data generated by remote and on-the-ground sensors. At the same time, mathematical and statistical techniques have been developed that allow for prediction of soil properties in areas with little or no information, as well as indicating the uncertainty of the predictions. The digital revolution that has transformed many of the sciences, and has created a new discipline called digital soil mapping.
The project will use the latest technology to create global soil maps. The project will provide training on the latest digital soil mapping methodology as a part of the GlobalSoilMap consortium activities. This project will be in collaboration with CSIRO Land and Water targetting staff and students from soil mapping agencies from countries in the Oceania node (Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and the Pacific Island nations).
Additional supervisor: Prof Alex McBratney
HDR Inherent Requirements
In addition to the academic requirements set out in the Science Postgraduate Handbook, you may be required to satisfy a number of inherent requirements to complete this degree. Example of inherent requirement may include:
- Confidential disclosure and registration of a disability that may hinder your performance in your degree;
- Confidential disclosure of a pre-existing or current medical condition that may hinder your performance in your degree (e.g. heart disease, pace-maker, significant immune suppression, diabetes, vertigo, etc.);
- Ability to perform independently and/or with minimal supervision;
- Ability to undertake certain physical tasks (e.g. heavy lifting);
- Ability to undertake observatory, sensory and communication tasks;
- Ability to spend time at remote sites (e.g. One Tree Island, Narrabri and Camden);
- Ability to work in confined spaces or at heights;
- Ability to operate heavy machinery (e.g. farming equipment);
- Hold or acquire an Australian driver’s licence;
- Hold a current scuba diving license;
- Hold a current Working with Children Check;
- Meet initial and ongoing immunisation requirements (e.g. Q-Fever, Vaccinia virus, Hepatitis, etc.)
You must consult with your nominated supervisor regarding any identified inherent requirements before completing your application.
The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 953