We are exploring the neuropathology of dementia, with a focus on the role of microvascular degeneration as the precipitating cause of Alzheimer-like dementias.
Camperdown - School of Medical Sciences - Bosch Institute
We seek postgraduate students to undertake studies on the neuropathology of dementias, working in mouse models, and in the human brain. Projects are available assessing the involvement of vasculature in stroke and dementia cases in human brain; in the impact of small lesions on the neo- and hippocampal cortex in rodent models; and on the effectiveness of anti-oxidant techniques in the mitigation of behavioural and cognitive loss in dementia-model mice. The overall aim of this work is to test and establish the role of instability of the cerebral vasculature, especially the capillary bed, in the genesis of dementia.
This project is a novel, and promising approach to the challenge of dementias. The approach is founded on several years’ ‘infrastructure’ of research, and promises quite new approaches to the therapy of dementia, one of the key medical challenges of this century. Professor Stone is an experienced supervisor, who has successfully mentored many students to successful dissertations, and careers.
The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 542