This project involves functionalising carbon nanotubes, in situ, using a fluidised bed.
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
A functionalised nanotube is one which has been chemically treated (usually with organic compounds capable of forming covalent bonds) resulting in nanotubes with a functional group attached to one or both ends. Functionalised nanotubes have a wide variety of uses, particularly in pharmaceutical and medical applications.Functionalising carbon nanotubes, in situ, using a fluidised bed has yet to be reported. Applying functionalisation techniques to our fluidised bed chemical vapour deposition process (FBCVD) will allow functionalised CNTs to be synthesised in situ, which will reduce the number of steps required in any commercial process, reduce the cost of synthesis, and thus open the door to much larger production capabilities.
The opportunity ID for this research opportunity is 344